Building confidence through education

Self-confidence and education go hand-in-hand. Education can help someone be more confident in their abilities, and having confidence can encourage them to make it through their educational journey. At Hope2Hire, it’s our mission to build the self-confidence essential to future success through education. 

Connecting self-confidence and education.

Ulrich Orth and Richard Robins set out to answer the questions about the benefits of self-confidence in their research “Is High Self-Esteem Beneficial? Revisiting a Classic Question.” They found that self-esteem is beneficial in several areas of a person’s life — school, work, relationships, mental and physical health, and antisocial behaviors. Additionally, the results were the same across all demographics. No matter an individual’s age, gender, race or ethnicity, they found self-esteem to be beneficial. 

Roy Baumeister and his colleagues also studied the effects of self-esteem in their paper “Does High Self-Esteem Cause Better Performance, Interpersonal Success, Happiness, or Healthier Lifestyles?” When they looked at self-esteem as it directly relates to education, they found that there was more of a connection between good academic performance building self-esteem rather than high self-esteem leading to better performance. 

Education and self-confidence are two sides of the same coin. Performing well in educational courses can help build self-esteem and self-worth. Additionally, self-confidence can help improve educational performance.

Self-confidence, education and reintegration into society.

Research shows education can help those affected by the justice system reintegrate into society and reduce recidivism rates. Knowing what research says about education and self-confidence, it’s easy to see how growing in personal beliefs and self-confidence can strengthen the reintegration process. This is where programs like Hope2Hire are vital. 

When it comes to Hope2Hire specifically, students don’t just get a quality education to be successful in the workplace. They also receive life skills training to help nail down the job. From learning how to write letters and resumes to interview practice, they’re able to be confident in their abilities to fill out applications and interview with potential employers. Life skills training also includes learning how to be a successful team member. Through Hope2Hire, students learn how to effectively communicate with co-workers and bosses and how to handle criticism and on-the-job conflicts. 

Through education and mentorship, Hope2Hire is here to help our students receive the education needed to enter into the workforce and grow life skills. We hope to help students develop and grow the self-confidence needed to be successful.

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